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!Экзамент зачет учебный год 2023-2024 / Amy C Kläsener - The Guide to M_A Arbitration

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The Role of the Quantum Expert in M&A Disputes

assessment. Economic and financial analysis provides tools to understand how markets and commercial situations may have developed and translated into cash-flows. This involves analysing not just the outcomes, but also what drives those outcomes. From this understanding of the drivers, the quantum expert can infer on the outcomes in the but-for counterfactual world.

Two models, actual and but-for, are required to estimate the economic or financial harm. The modelling tries to explain complex interactions and behaviour. Invariably the model will depend on a combination of facts, assumptions, data availability, an appropriate methodology and a sound mathematical calculation.The facts and assumptions on which the calculation is based can be especially open to (1) individual interpretations, (2) different understandings, (3) errors and (4) different instructions.As such, the reliability of the modelling is a function of the strength of the methodology, the reasonableness of the variables and the input assumptions.

Often the damage or loss is tied to the effect on price paid or value assumed and being able to demonstrate this by reference to a financial model or calculation.There is no reason why the experts cannot be directed to meet and try to agree a financial loss model (or calculation). If such a model can be agreed, the tribunal will need only consider the major disputed assumptions that feed into the model.The submissions become far simpler: a list of alternative assumptions, together with each expert’s view, can be provided for the tribunal to consider and rule on. Once the tribunal reaches a view on the alternative assumptions, the experts (or even the tribunal with an easy-to-use, well-designed model) can insert these into the model and thereby have an assessment of loss.

As with all expert evidence, the tribunal is often reliant on the parties’ own appointed experts, their written reports, and the skill of the cross-examiners at the hearing.Valuation evidence tends to be relatively complex. By its nature, it draws together many threads running through other evidence, takes into account the various interplays and inter­ dependencies, and ultimately distils everything into one number. For those not used to dealing with valuation concepts regularly, it can be very difficult.

One additional way in which tribunals can consider the experts’ valuation evidence is through the use of expert conferencing, or hot-tubbing. In this way, the tribunal can ask its own questions (not that it cannot in any event) and explore together with the experts how the facts and assumptions feed into the calculations, the effects on value of the various claims, and where the differences lie between each expert’s evidence and why they differ. In our experience, expert conferencing when used by tribunals can be very useful: it moves the examination of expert evidence away from a potentially hostile cross-examination of each expert, to be much more of a dialogue between the tribunal and the experts. Having the experts give their evidence concurrently and under the control of the tribunal allows them to provide real-time clarifications and responses to each other, and for points to be conceded or agreed as they are discussed. Seeing both experts together is also a useful way for the tribunal to test whether either expert is taking an unreasonable or unsustainable position.

We do not want to overlook the use of a single joint expert. This might suggest cost-efficiencies, but it can be difficult for agreement to be reached on appointment, and there are often procedural difficulties around instructions, scope of work, the information provided to the expert, and how the expert interacts with the parties if he or she needs


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The Role of the Quantum Expert in M&A Disputes

more information or instruction.The use of a single expert also means his or her evidence is less likely to be challenged, and absent alternative expert opinions or evidence it can be difficult for the tribunal to move away from the evidence if it wanted to.This is particularly important in valuation work where the assumptions and calculations can be subjective, and where the issues can be complex.To address this, we often see parties appointing their own expert as an adviser, negating any cost benefit.

We have also seen cases where the tribunal asked the parties for permission to appoint its own expert to assist them in the valuation aspects – not as a witness, but as a behind-the- scenes adviser.This is especially useful in the larger and more complex valuation cases. Such advisers are themselves usually people who have acted as expert witnesses and so are fully used to the arbitral process.The expert adviser can help the tribunal to focus on the key aspects of the valuation evidence, and can be of real assistance in cases where the valuation aspects are particularly challenging and require deep technical expertise.4

The presentation of expert evidence

No one will disagree that expertise and experience are important for any quantum expert. But equally important is the ability to communicate and present evidence both written and oral to the tribunal.

Ahead of any hearing, the mainstay of expert evidence on quantum has been and remains the written report.With an expert for each party, this often runs to the rigid process of first reports and reply reports, and, depending on the arbitral institutions and the arbitrators, may include joint meetings and joint statements or further reports.We are also seeing experts being asked to meet ahead of preparing their reports, to agree information requirements, input assumptions and valuation methodologies, with a view to narrowing issues (and saving costs) ahead of initial reports.

When it comes to the expert’s evidence, there is much talk about alternative methods of giving evidence, such as presentations, videos and animations. But there will be no getting away from written reports for the foreseeable future.The question is how to make written evidence more effective.We should not forget its primary purpose – to support the tribunal in matters outside of its own expertise.The expert and his or her evidence must be, of course, compelling, but also accessible. In written reports, based on our experience, a mix of written and visual evidence is powerful. Just as pictures speak a thousand words so graphs speak a thousand numbers. Graphs and diagrams, done well, make complex data accessible and intelligible.There is a balance to be struck here; graphs and diagrams must be relevant to the issues at hand and be part of the expert’s discussion. But they can also help to focus in quickly on what really matters in a dispute and what is actually peripheral.

When it comes to presenting evidence before a tribunal, there are many ways to make that evidence memorable and educational. Each person understands best in a different way

– some understand best through reading, some through seeing, some through hearing and some through experiencing.The arbitral hearing is the first time that an expert can give evidence orally. More recently, hot-tubbing or expert conferencing has been used more frequently by tribunals to hear expert evidence, sometimes in place of cross-examination,

4 This is a relatively unusual solution but one that one of the authors has close experience of.


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The Role of the Quantum Expert in M&A Disputes

sometimes in addition to it. As we discussed above, it is a useful way for the tribunal to hear directly from the experts on the differences between them, and may also be a forum in which the experts can reach consensus.We are seeing more use of presentations, where the experts are each given time to summarise their reports and identify the key aspects and differentiators for the tribunal. Being able to present well is becoming more important for the quantum expert. Today, the technology exists for more interactive presentations, and in some cases it may be possible to use visualisation tools to help demonstrate the effect of assumptions and inputs dynamically, which allows for the tribunal to comment and even contribute during the presentation.


M&A disputes, much more than commercial disputes, require quantum experts with expertise in multiple areas.This could include technical disciplines – accountancy, investigation and valuation – and it is not uncommon to need a quantum expert skilled in two, or even all three, of these disciplines. In addition, the quantum expert may need to understand the requirements and mechanics of due diligence exercises and in undertaking transactions. There is rarely an expert that can cover everything, so identifying the key areas is important for the efficiency of a case, and sometimes there is a careful balance to be struck.

Each discipline has its place: accountancy expertise is often at the core of a case; investigative expertise is required in determining if there has been a breach and then what the causes leading to damage might be; and valuation expertise will be needed to ultimately assess the effect on value and price, and so the losses suffered.While accounting issues are the basis for many M&A disputes, more often than not a pure accounting specialisation is insufficient for the quantum expert. In many instances, an investigation in the accounting records and business plan preparation process with particular attention to key reference dates is needed. A development of a factual matrix and a chronology of events will undoubtedly require a forensic IT exercise. We see new investigative IT systems, which present unstructured and structured data alongside one another in a single application. They make it easier to detect and communicate relationships and causation, especially in instances with numerous transactions. Moreover, data visualisations are becoming a powerful tool for exploring and explaining such relationships to the tribunal.

There are many techniques and tools that can be employed by the quantum expert in assisting clients, and the tribunal, in the resolution of M&A disputes.The role an expert can play is not just that of expert witness: experts can act as adviser to a party or even as adviser to the tribunal. Experts mandated to act as adviser are well placed to provide assistance and add value throughout the deal cycle.

Finally, when it comes to presenting evidence before the arbitral tribunal, the tried and tested written report is being supplemented by new ways of presenting evidence. Recognising how people understand – visually using graphics, aurally through presentations at the hearing, even tactilely through the tribunal exploring expert evidence and analysis – can in turn help to create compelling, but accessible, expert evidence.


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Managing Expert Determinations

Gerald M Hansen1

This Guide focuses primarily on various aspects of the resolution of M&A disputes through arbitration. A formal arbitration process, however, is not the only method of resolving certain M&A disputes. An expert determination is an additional alternative dispute resolution process often included in transaction agreements, one that is commonly utilised in resolving post-closing purchase price adjustment disputes.This chapter will discuss a variety of topics focused on assisting transaction parties, their advisors and their counsel in managing the expert determination process, including how an expert determination differs from an arbitration and the types of M&A disputes that are most often appropriately resolved through an expert determination.This chapter will also discuss and describe a variety of factors related to expert determinations, including, defining and documenting the process in the relevant transaction agreement; items to include in submissions to the expert that can have a direct impact on the determination; and the critically important selection of the expert.

Expert determination versus arbitration

Before discussing how to manage the process, we should differentiate between an expert determination and an arbitration. While the processes can appear similar because quite often the two can be procedurally very similar, there are some key differences and considerations for transaction parties opting for this forum of dispute resolution.

There are two primary differences between arbitrations and expert determinations.The first is that an expert determination is most commonly conducted and provided by a single expert, commonly an accounting or other industry expert, whereas many arbitrations involve an arbitral tribunal comprising attorneys.The second key difference is that, generally speaking, there are no formal rules governing an expert determination other than what may be provided for in the transaction agreement (or otherwise agreed between the parties

1 Gerald (Jerry) M Hansen is a partner at Forensic Risk Alliance.


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Managing Expert Determinations

and possibly the expert), other than licensing standards for professional certifications held by the expert. By contrast, arbitrations are governed by a variety of rules, laws and treaties that can apply depending on the venue or the parties’ agreement.

These differences are important to be aware of when selecting the dispute resolution process to include in transaction agreements.There are different types of M&A disputes, some of which are best served by arbitration, others by expert determination.This is why many transaction agreements contain both dispute resolution methods, with each applicable to different disputes. (See Chapter 3 on conflicts between expert determination and arbitration clauses.)

Types of disputes frequently resolved through expert determinations

M&A disputes relate to a variety of transaction provisions, such as representations and warranties, indemnities, transaction fraud, leakage, and purchase price adjustments. Not all M&A disputes are appropriate for expert determination. In addition, there is a marked difference between an expert who determines an M&A dispute and a quantum expert or other subject-matter expert witnesses.This chapter is only concerned with the expert determination, not other experts that may be retained to assist a party in presenting its position in the arbitration or expert determination.

Expert determinations are commonly provided for in transaction agreements to resolve post-closing purchase price adjustment disputes. Such disputes are also referred to as net working capital disputes, closing accounts disputes or completion accounts disputes. Many transaction agreements contain post-closing purchase price adjustment mechanisms based on a pre-determined metric – commonly net working capital – but it could be some other metric, such as EBIT.2

How a purchase price adjustment dispute can arise is based on the provisions of the transaction agreement. Most agreements with purchase price adjustment provisions allow a buyer to review the acquired entity and propose adjustments to the price if the buyer believes certain financial statement items (e.g., net working capital items) reflected at the closing date are not representative of the actual amounts received or are otherwise recorded contrary to the applicable accounting guidance (e.g., in violation of IFRS or US GAAP).3 The types of items most commonly at issue are those requiring some level of estimation or subjective judgement on the part of management, which allows for differences of opinion. Examples of such items would include allowance for doubtful accounts, inventory reserves, warranty reserves, contingent liabilities and similar accounts. If the seller disagrees with the buyer’s proposed adjustments, the parties may negotiate and settle their differences, or the disagreement may persist, resulting in a contractually agreed dispute resolution process, typically an expert determination.

Outside the United States there can be a perception that contractually provided for purchase price adjustments and resulting disputes have decreased in frequency.This is because the use of locked-box transactions to avoid purchase price adjustment calculations and disputes is increasingly common in the United Kingdom and some other European countries. Locked-box transactions commonly establish the purchase price based on a review of

2Earnings before interest and tax.

3International Financial Reporting Standards; US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


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Managing Expert Determinations

the most recent audited financial statements and, once agreed, the purchase price is locked and not subject to adjustment post-closing.This may, or may not always, prove successful, but further discussion is outside the scope of this chapter. What is important to note is that cross-border transactions involving US-based counterparties still commonly include net-working-capital-based purchase price adjustments and dispute resolution provisions.As a result, purchase price adjustment disputes and expert determinations are still relevant in the cross-border context, even if not prevalent in some intra-country transactions.

Other types of M&A disputes can involve a variety of contractual, legal and damages issues that are typically more appropriately handled through commercial arbitration involving an attorney or a tribunal of attorneys, not an expert determination by a single accounting or industry expert. Expert determinations can be utilised for other types of M&A disputes, such as indemnity claims that are related to net working capital items, for example taxes, but this is relatively infrequent. More commonly quantumor valuation experts would assist client counsel with such disputes in an arbitration.

Identifying the types of M&A disputes that most frequently involve expert determinations is a good starting point, but managing the overall expert determination process will require an understanding of the common expert determination framework and how to document the process in the transaction agreement. Not only will such steps assist in smoother dispute resolution they can also help avoiding a protracted negotiation, or even a dispute, regarding the process itself.

Defining the expert determination process

An important aspect of managing expert determinations is understanding and defining the dispute resolution process.This Section on defining the expert determination process will address this topic from two perspectives – first by describing and defining the common expert determination process and second by describing how to sufficiently document (define) that process in the transaction agreement.

What does expert determination look like?

If a post-closing purchase price adjustment dispute does arise, the resolution process should be about resolving the dispute, not a protracted negotiation about the process itself. In some cases, the negotiation about the process becomes a dispute in itself, separate from the substantive issues. If, however, the transaction agreement adequately provides for the dispute resolution process, this negotiation can be streamlined.

Expert determination for a purchase price adjustment dispute would commonly include the following steps:

The parties agree on the expert to resolve the dispute.

A schedule is agreed that provides specific due dates for the various activities described below.

The parties provide simultaneous submissions (initial submissions) to the expert in support of their positions on the items in dispute.

The parties provide simultaneous rebuttal submissions to the expert, restricted to addressing arguments raised by the opposing party in their respective initial submission.

The expert has the opportunity to submit interrogatories or document requests to the parties regarding the items in dispute or the parties’ submissions.


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Managing Expert Determinations

The parties respond to the expert.

The expert provides the written determination to the parties.

The expert determination process in most cases is not bound by formal rules or procedures as is arbitration.The common process outlined above is only a guide and may be altered in any way the parties agree. For example, the parties may wish to provide for a hearing in person or via teleconference to present their positions live to the expert; or the parties may wish to forgo the rebuttal submissions.The overall goal should be a fair process designed to provide the expert with sufficient information to reach a fully informed determination.

Depending on the nature and magnitude of the items in dispute, this may involve more or fewer steps.The effort required for each activity and the timeline depend on the number and complexity of the items in dispute.

Defining the expert determination process in the transaction agreement

Armed with a basic understanding of what is involved in an expert determination, the parties and their counsel can better manage the process by incorporating various aspects into the transaction agreement. Doing so will assist in focusing the parties efforts on resolving the dispute, should one arise, rather than on the process itself. By the time a dispute is imminent, the parties are most likely not on good terms, which can create difficulties when negotiating the procedures.Therefore, the time to include such items is during the drafting of the agreement.

In practice,the importance of clarity in the implementation of some post-closing related provisions, such as purchase price adjustments, representation and warranty claims, leakage, and potential disputes related to such issues, is sometimes overlooked (or considered less important) when drafting. Obviously (and understandably), the parties would rather focus on the excitement surrounding a transaction and other perceived weightier matters such as agreeing a purchase price, the due diligence results, or the prospect of adding a new product or service.After all, a post-closing dispute may not actually happen, right?

Rather than viewing them as less important, defining the expert determination provisions sufficiently in the transaction agreement can actually have a double benefit: (1) they will clearly spell out the overall process the parties should follow if a dispute arises, thereby streamlining the process, and (2) they will add clarity that may actually assist in preventing all or part of a dispute that may otherwise arise. A failure to sufficiently attend to post-closing dispute resolution provisions, especially for complicated or heavily negotiated transactions, can create an opportunity for post-closing issues to arise or be magnified. Such issues often originate in avoidable ambiguities or omissions in the transaction agreement.A crafty counterparty may attempt to exploit them if left unaddressed.

While it is important to include some guidelines regarding the dispute resolution process, a great level of procedural detail is not warranted or even possible in most cases. Failing to include any procedural details in the transaction agreement, however, is also not an appropriate option. So, where should the parties focus their efforts? The transaction parties should allocate time to the post-closing provisions of the transaction agreement that could be susceptible to varying interpretations or negotiation several months after the closing. These provisions include, but are not limited to, those related to post-closing purchase price adjustments, as well as any related dispute resolution provisions. Clarity in provisions


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Managing Expert Determinations

describing the implementation of the post-closing purchase price adjustment methodology, calculation and dispute resolution process is important, and will prove a valuable reference should a dispute occur.

Following are a few key items to consider including in the transaction agreement.

Specify a firm, individual or list of individuals to serve as the expert. Failing to do so can lead to a protracted search and negotiation (and potentially a dispute) about selection. This does not mean that the firm or the individual named in the purchase agreement will not have a conflict when a dispute arises, but if chosen carefully the odds of this occurring are greatly reduced.The transaction agreement should also specify the process to select an alternative expert if the firm or individual named has a conflict. For example, the agreement could state that if the nominated firm is conflicted, an alternative firm that is an international public accounting firm with operations in the United Kingdom will be selected. (Considerations in the selection of the specific expert to serve are discussed later in this chapter.)

Specify the general procedures.These could be similar to those in the example provided above or could include a provision for a hearing, additional submissions, fewer submissions, etc. Setting out the process will eliminate the need to obtain agreement between the parties later, when the parties are contemplating a dispute. Many transaction agreements only generally refer to the process. For example, the agreement may state that the parties will provide submissions to the expert who will rely exclusively on such information to determine the disputed items. Such a general reference to the process leaves much open for interpretation by the parties and the expert.

Specify the applicable provisions, calculations, methodologies, etc., that have an impact or relation to the post-closing purchase price adjustment and dispute resolution process. In this regard, any calculation impacting the determination of net working capital and the purchase price adjustment should have an example calculation included in

the transaction agreement. These should be very detailed to mitigate opportunities for differing interpretations. For example, for a net-working-capital-based purchase price adjustment mechanism, the example calculation of net working capital should not simply list the balance sheet accounts that are to be included, because balance sheet accounts are often consolidated amounts of several sub-ledger accounts.The example calculation should include detail of the sub-ledger components to avoid subsequent misinterpretation. Months later in a dispute process, when this example may need to be referred to, is when memories become vague because one interpretation of a provision negatively impacts a party’s position on a disputed item, while an alternative interpretation supports the position. Adding such rigour to the transaction agreement will provide the expert an easy-to-follow guide in reaching a determination on the items in dispute. It could also help avoid certain disputes due to the clarity of the example.

Alternative dispute resolution processes are often less expensive than litigation, but that does not mean they are inexpensive. Post-closing disputes can be very costly to resolve. By just paying attention to a few key post-closing provisions in the transaction agreement, parties can often mitigate (i.e., manage), the nature and magnitude of post-closing disputes. The time invested in defining the expert determination process before closing can result in time and cost savings after closing.


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Managing Expert Determinations

Assess your strength of position

Prior to the expert determination process, an additional step the transaction parties can take is to assess the relative strength of position on each of the items in dispute. A good tool to use is a resolution matrix.This is basically an analytical assessment of the strength of position and likelihood of prevailing on each of the items in dispute.The assessment-of- strength spectrum can be useful with either three or five strength-of-argument classifications. For example, a five-class spectrum would include these categories: strongly favours seller, favours seller, neutral, favours buyer, strongly favours buyer.

The overall goal of the resolution matrix is the identification of certain disputed items that it might make sense to attempt to negotiate away prior to commencing the expert determination.The items with the lower likelihood of success in the expert determination might be settled through negotiation. Another objective could be to resolve or settle less significant items beforehand so the parties do not incur costs from advisors and the expert to resolve items with less significant monetary impact. Further, the results of the resolution matrix may provide a party with information that can be used to its benefit even before the expert determination process begins. For example, if a party identifies an item in dispute that the resolution matrix indicates it is likely to lose, that party can attempt to negotiate a 50/50 split on the item with the other party. If successful, it could be considered a win of 50 per cent on an item it assessed as a likely 100 per cent loss.

If both parties utilise a strength-of-argument assessment, like a resolution matrix, an expert determination process focused solely on the significant issues in dispute can often be achieved.A note of caution: the resolution matrix process is an imperfect estimation of the outcome in an expert determination. It can be useful in assessing strength of position and in indicating items for potential negotiation, but it should not be relied on as an infallible predictor of the expert’s ruling for each item in dispute.

Submissions to the expert should be robust

If a dispute does occur that is submitted for an expert determination, such a determination will ultimately be reached based on the information provided to the expert. In an expert determination process, each party will be required to provide information to the expert in support of its respective positions on the disputed items. Many expert determinations are conducted solely in writing and, as a result, the parties will typically have only two opportunities to provide information to the expert – the initial and rebuttal submissions. Sometimes a third opportunity is available through providing responses to the expert’s interrogatories or requests, but only if the expert makes such requests.The limited opportunities to provide information to the expert in support of a party’s positions heightens the importance of the completeness and quality of the submissions.

The initial submission is each party’s first opportunity to provide detailed information to the expert supporting their positions. Beyond a detailed discussion of the disputed items, there are a few other categories of information that each party should cover to provide context.


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Managing Expert Determinations

Background information

The parties have been dealing with this transaction for many months, or longer, that has now proceeded to a dispute. It can be easy for the parties to forget that the expert most likely knows very little, if anything, about the parties, the target entity, the transaction agreement, or the disputed items.While such information is often not determinative of disputed items, it provides necessary background information to more fully understand them.

Company and industry specifics

Similarly, the expert may or may not have significant experience in the specific industry of the target company.While a lack of industry experience typically has no bearing on the expert’s ability to appropriately resolve the dispute, the parties would be well advised to provide any industryor company-specific information to aid the expert’s understanding. These specific facts and circumstances of the business can be important as they provide context to certain disputed items and potentially impact the ultimate resolution. For example, describing that the company commonly stocks higher than normal levels of inventory at certain times of the year because it has seasonal sales, can provide information to the expert relevant to rebutting a proposed adjustment to inventory for excess inventory levels.Another example could be describing specific economic factors that have impacted the business operations or the industry temporarily or in the long term. Other accounting considerations can include, for example, the methodology used to determine the allowance for doubtful accounts. Under IFRS, there are multiple acceptable methods for determining this, including those based strictly on the ageing of receivables and others based on specific identification of accounts with potential collection issues.All of this information is useful to the expert in understanding the business and can have an impact on the determination of certain items.

Detailed disputed item discussion and support

Finally, the submissions should include very detailed discussions of the disputed items and sufficient supporting documentation. The discussions should describe and quantify the disputed item, reference the applicable accounting guidance, refer to specific applicable transaction agreement provisions, discuss why one party is correct and the other is not, and give a conclusion that links back to the transaction agreement (e.g., consistent with historical accounting practices). All of this information is necessary to provide the expert with sufficient information regarding each disputed item to make an informed determination. The supporting documentation is also key and it should be relevant. It is especially critical to provide supporting documentation that may not be obvious. An expert will typically request accounting related information if not provided with a party’s submission, but he or she may not be aware of certain information relevant to a disputed item. For example, for disputed items related to excess inventory, typical supporting documentation would include historical sales or usage of the inventory items in dispute.While useful, such information may be incomplete when considered in isolation because there may be additional information such as a product improvement or a new sales channel that would provide the expert with a better understanding of the future expected inventory usage. If this additional information is not provided (or not requested because the expert was unaware of its existence), the expert could unknowingly make a determination that is not fully informed.


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